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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

5 herbs to comfortably deal with menopause.

Testosterone decreases during menopause. It occurs when androgen hormones gradually decrease. The onset of this condition varies from person to person. It depends on how well health care is provided. On average, it begins at around 48-52 years of age. How to deal with menopause? Related to the practice of

“Long Black Coffee” and “Americano”: How are they different?

The names of coffee menus are so diverse that both people who are coffee lovers And it’s not like coffee lovers are confused and have questions. Black coffee itself has many menus to choose from. This time I was wondering what the difference was between “Long Black Coffee” and

“How to get rid of water stains on the toilet”

The water stain problem is one of the major problems in the bathroom. Because of the various sanitary ware Must come into contact with water. If the water is hard water with a high amount of minerals such as magnesium, calcium, bicarbonate, and sulfate, over time the water

6 types of fruits that can be eaten to reduce belly fat

Of course, girls Those who are concentrating on losing weight must pay attention to the issue of food. Especially choosing to eat each type of fruit. Because not all fruits can help you lose weight. But on the contrary, it causes weight to increase without realizing it. Because the amount of sugar

5 ways to stop drinking soda Reduce symptoms of sweet addiction 

5 ways to stop drinking soda Reduce symptoms of sweet addiction Helps to lose weight, reduce disease risk. Stopping drinking soda isn’t easy. Especially if you are someone who has been addicted to drinking sugary drinks for many years. It would be difficult to make it stop overnight. Even though

5 reasons why sleeping late makes you fat, is it true?

5 reasons why sleeping late makes you fat, is it true? Why does sleeping make me lose weight?  If we are a person who is trying to lose weight In addition to diet and exercise. We should also pay attention to sleep. Because not getting enough sleep can sabotage

5 tips for washing your hair to help make it soft, clean, and dark hair

5 tips for washing your hair to help make it soft, clean, and dark hair. That doesn’t fall out. Washing your hair is a common activity that everyone does regularly. Washing your hair helps restore its vitality. Help clean Reduces itching in the scalp and removes residual dirt. Although

Why do you have to eat “chicken breast” to lose weight?

Why do you have to eat “chicken breast” to lose weight? Which part should you eat to get the most benefits? During weight loss, what menu do you choose to eat most often? Do you know why you have to eat “chicken breast” if you want to have a good